Light Structures AS was founded in 2001 and evolved as a spin-off from the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. The company is enjoying a steady growth in the shipping and oil & gas markets and is today the world's leading provider of fiber optic hull stress and other structure monitoring systems.
Fiber optic monitoring solutions are gaining popularity in the oil and gas community due to the unrivaled performance and reliability. Light Structures' Hull Stress Monitoring system was the first fiber optic solution to enter the market and has proven itself through several years of operation onboard shuttle tankers and VLCCs.
About us

Management group

Niklas Hallgren
CEO, Chief Executive Officer
Geir Sagvolden
Founder / CTO, Chief Technology Officer
Karianne Pran
Founder / DOE, Director of Engineering
Jan Kantas
COO, Chief Operating Officer
Torgeir Mauritzen
CFO, Chief Finacial OfficerOur Values
Passion is at the heart of our company. We are continuously moving forward, innovating, and
Customer Satisfaction
We strive to provide exceptional customer service through flexible scheduling, quality products,
efficient services, and innovative solutions resulting in value to the customer and Light structures.
We take pride in providing high value products and services that we stand behind, which ensures
customer satisfaction, profitability and the future of our employees and growth.
We behave in a manner that demonstrates trust, honesty, courage, consistency, and responsibility
with a willingness to admit our mistakes. People trust us to adhere to our word.
We know it takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural backgrounds to make
our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion.